TechSoup Courses support your mission!

Over 200 expert-led courses, training, and events designed for nonprofits.

Project and Change Management - Live Expert-Led Course

Human-Centered AI: Unlocking the potential of AI for Nonprofits

Introdução à IA e IA generativa

WhatsApp Communities for Nonprofit Outreach

Introducción a la IA y a la IA Generativa

Adobe Creative Cloud: Introductory Overview 101

Adobe Photoshop 201: The Basics and Beyond (in English)

Pensamiento crítico, formulación de preguntas, ingeniería de preguntas con Copilot

Usos comunes para entidades sin ánimo de lucro con Copilot

Adobe InDesign 201: Creating digital and print layouts (in English)

Adobe Illustrator 201: Creating Graphics–No Drawing Skills Required!

Adobe Premiere Rush 201: Video Editing Made Easy (in English)

Google Ad Grants Guide: What are the grants and how to get them?

Adobe Express 101: Quick & Easy Content Creation (in English)

AI for Good – How to Get Started with AI